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Red Mountain Title is committed to recruiting, hiring, developing, and promoting employees without regard to gender, race, disabilities, age, religion, national origin, background and social or ethnic group.

We recognize that our ability to serve our clients is strengthened by establishing a diverse workforce in which differences are accepted and valued on an inclusive basis.

Red Mountain Title desires to foster a multi-cultured atmosphere that provides a cooperative work environment where everyone is treated with mutual respect, trust and understanding, and where everyone can reach their full potential. The company values the knowledge and talents of a multicultural team in order to meet and exceed individual and business goals, and client expectations.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Red Mountain Title is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. It is the policy of Red Mountain Title to provide equal employment opportunities to qualified applicants and/or employees without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.

It is the policy of Red Mountain Title to seek, employ, and advance in employment the best qualified persons, and to administer these activities in a manner that will not discriminate against an individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of a position desired or held; or against an individual on the basis of a known disability of an individual with whom the qualified individual has a known relationship.